Source code for kucoin.client

import base64
import calendar
import hashlib
import hmac
import time
from datetime import datetime

import requests

from .exceptions import (
    KucoinAPIException, KucoinRequestException, MarketOrderException, LimitOrderException
from .utils import compact_json_dict, flat_uuid

[docs] def __init__(self, api_key, api_secret, passphrase, sandbox=False, requests_params=None): """Kucoin API Client constructor :param api_key: Api Token Id :type api_key: string :param api_secret: Api Secret :type api_secret: string :param passphrase: Api Passphrase used to create API :type passphrase: string :param sandbox: (optional) Use the sandbox endpoint or not (default False) :type sandbox: bool :param requests_params: (optional) Dictionary of requests params to use for all calls :type requests_params: dict. .. code:: python client = Client(api_key, api_secret, api_passphrase) """ self.API_KEY = api_key self.API_SECRET = api_secret self.API_PASSPHRASE = passphrase if sandbox: self.API_URL = self.SANDBOX_API_URL else: self.API_URL = self.REST_API_URL self._requests_params = requests_params self.session = self._init_session()
def _init_session(self): session = requests.session() headers = {'Accept': 'application/json', 'User-Agent': 'python-kucoin', 'Content-Type': 'application/json', 'KC-API-KEY': self.API_KEY, 'KC-API-PASSPHRASE': self.API_PASSPHRASE} session.headers.update(headers) return session @staticmethod def _get_params_for_sig(data): """Convert params to ordered string for signature :param data: :return: ordered parameters like amount=10&price=1.1&type=BUY """ return '&'.join(["{}={}".format(key, data[key]) for key in data]) def _generate_signature(self, nonce, method, path, data): """Generate the call signature :param path: :param data: :param nonce: :return: signature string """ data_json = "" endpoint = path if method == "get": if data: query_string = self._get_params_for_sig(data) endpoint = "{}?{}".format(path, query_string) elif data: data_json = compact_json_dict(data) sig_str = ("{}{}{}{}".format(nonce, method.upper(), endpoint, data_json)).encode('utf-8') m ='utf-8'), sig_str, hashlib.sha256) return base64.b64encode(m.digest()) def _create_path(self, path): return '/api/{}/{}'.format(self.API_VERSION, path) def _create_uri(self, path): return '{}{}'.format(self.API_URL, path) def _request(self, method, path, signed, **kwargs): # set default requests timeout kwargs['timeout'] = 10 # add our global requests params if self._requests_params: kwargs.update(self._requests_params) kwargs['data'] = kwargs.get('data', {}) kwargs['headers'] = kwargs.get('headers', {}) full_path = self._create_path(path) uri = self._create_uri(full_path) if signed: # generate signature nonce = int(time.time() * 1000) kwargs['headers']['KC-API-TIMESTAMP'] = str(nonce) kwargs['headers']['KC-API-SIGN'] = self._generate_signature(nonce, method, full_path, kwargs['data']) if kwargs['data'] and method == 'get': kwargs['params'] = kwargs['data'] del(kwargs['data']) if signed and method != 'get' and kwargs['data']: kwargs['data'] = compact_json_dict(kwargs['data']) response = getattr(self.session, method)(uri, **kwargs) return self._handle_response(response) @staticmethod def _handle_response(response): """Internal helper for handling API responses from the Quoine server. Raises the appropriate exceptions when necessary; otherwise, returns the response. """ if not str(response.status_code).startswith('2'): raise KucoinAPIException(response) try: res = response.json() if 'code' in res and res['code'] != "200000": raise KucoinAPIException(response) if 'success' in res and not res['success']: raise KucoinAPIException(response) # by default return full response # if it's a normal response we have a data attribute, return that if 'data' in res: res = res['data'] return res except ValueError: raise KucoinRequestException('Invalid Response: %s' % response.text) def _get(self, path, signed=False, **kwargs): return self._request('get', path, signed, **kwargs) def _post(self, path, signed=False, **kwargs): return self._request('post', path, signed, **kwargs) def _put(self, path, signed=False, **kwargs): return self._request('put', path, signed, **kwargs) def _delete(self, path, signed=False, **kwargs): return self._request('delete', path, signed, **kwargs)
[docs] def get_timestamp(self): """Get the server timestamp :return: response timestamp in ms """ return self._get("timestamp")
# Currency Endpoints
[docs] def get_currencies(self): """List known currencies .. code:: python currencies = client.get_currencies() :returns: API Response .. code-block:: python [ { "currency": "BTC", "name": "BTC", "fullName": "Bitcoin", "precision": 8 }, { "currency": "ETH", "name": "ETH", "fullName": "Ethereum", "precision": 7 } ] :raises: KucoinResponseException, KucoinAPIException """ return self._get('currencies', False)
[docs] def get_currency(self, currency): """Get single currency detail .. code:: python # call with no coins currency = client.get_currency('BTC') :returns: API Response .. code-block:: python { "currency": "BTC", "name": "BTC", "fullName": "Bitcoin", "precision": 8, "withdrawalMinSize": "0.002", "withdrawalMinFee": "0.0005", "isWithdrawEnabled": true, "isDepositEnabled": true } :raises: KucoinResponseException, KucoinAPIException """ return self._get('currencies/{}'.format(currency), False)
# User Account Endpoints
[docs] def get_accounts(self): """Get a list of accounts .. code:: python accounts = client.get_accounts() :returns: API Response .. code-block:: python [ { "id": "5bd6e9286d99522a52e458de", "currency": "BTC", "type": "main", "balance": "237582.04299", "available": "237582.032", "holds": "0.01099" }, { "id": "5bd6e9216d99522a52e458d6", "currency": "BTC", "type": "trade", "balance": "1234356", "available": "1234356", "holds": "0" } ] :raises: KucoinResponseException, KucoinAPIException """ return self._get('accounts', True)
[docs] def get_account(self, account_id): """Get an individual account :param account_id: ID for account - from list_accounts() :type account_id: string .. code:: python account = client.get_account('5bd6e9216d99522a52e458d6') :returns: API Response .. code-block:: python { "currency": "KCS", "balance": "1000000060.6299", "available": "1000000060.6299", "holds": "0" } :raises: KucoinResponseException, KucoinAPIException """ return self._get('accounts/{}'.format(account_id), True)
[docs] def create_account(self, account_type, currency): """Create an account :param account_type: Account type - main or trade :type account_type: string :param currency: Currency code :type currency: string .. code:: python account = client.create_account('trade', 'BTC') :returns: API Response .. code-block:: python { "id": "5bd6e9286d99522a52e458de" } :raises: KucoinResponseException, KucoinAPIException """ data = { 'type': account_type, 'currency': currency } return self._post('accounts', True, data=data)
[docs] def get_account_activity(self, account_id, start=None, end=None, page=None, limit=None): """Get list of account activity :param account_id: ID for account - from list_accounts() :type account_id: string :param start: (optional) Start time as unix timestamp :type start: string :param end: (optional) End time as unix timestamp :type end: string :param page: (optional) Current page - default 1 :type page: int :param limit: (optional) Number of results to return - default 50 :type limit: int .. code:: python history = client.get_account_activity('5bd6e9216d99522a52e458d6') history = client.get_account_activity('5bd6e9216d99522a52e458d6', start='1540296039000') history = client.get_account_activity('5bd6e9216d99522a52e458d6', page=2, page_size=10) :returns: API Response .. code-block:: python { "currentPage": 1, "pageSize": 10, "totalNum": 2, "totalPage": 1, "items": [ { "currency": "KCS", "amount": "0.0998", "fee": "0", "balance": "1994.040596", "bizType": "withdraw", "direction": "in", "createdAt": 1540296039000, "context": { "orderId": "5bc7f080b39c5c03286eef8a", "currency": "BTC" } }, { "currency": "KCS", "amount": "0.0998", "fee": "0", "balance": "1994.140396", "bizType": "trade exchange", "direction": "in", "createdAt": 1540296039000, "context": { "orderId": "5bc7f080b39c5c03286eef8e", "tradeId": "5bc7f080b3949c03286eef8a", "symbol": "BTC-USD" } } ] } :raises: KucoinResponseException, KucoinAPIException """ data = {} if start: data['startAt'] = start if end: data['endAt'] = end if page: data['currentPage'] = page if limit: data['pageSize'] = limit return self._get('accounts/{}/ledgers'.format(account_id), True, data=data)
[docs] def get_account_holds(self, account_id, page=None, page_size=None): """Get account holds placed for any active orders or pending withdraw requests :param account_id: ID for account - from list_accounts() :type account_id: string :param page: (optional) Current page - default 1 :type page: int :param page_size: (optional) Number of results to return - default 50 :type page_size: int .. code:: python holds = client.get_account_holds('5bd6e9216d99522a52e458d6') holds = client.get_account_holds('5bd6e9216d99522a52e458d6', page=2, page_size=10) :returns: API Response .. code-block:: python { "currentPage": 1, "pageSize": 10, "totalNum": 2, "totalPage": 1, "items": [ { "currency": "ETH", "holdAmount": "5083", "bizType": "Withdraw", "orderId": "5bc7f080b39c5c03286eef8e", "createdAt": 1545898567000, "updatedAt": 1545898567000 }, { "currency": "ETH", "holdAmount": "1452", "bizType": "Withdraw", "orderId": "5bc7f518b39c5c033818d62d", "createdAt": 1545898567000, "updatedAt": 1545898567000 } ] } :raises: KucoinResponseException, KucoinAPIException """ data = {} if page: data['currentPage'] = page if page_size: data['pageSize'] = page_size return self._get('accounts/{}/holds'.format(account_id), True, data=data)
[docs] def create_inner_transfer(self, from_account_id, to_account_id, amount, order_id=None): """Get account holds placed for any active orders or pending withdraw requests :param from_account_id: ID of account to transfer funds from - from list_accounts() :type from_account_id: str :param to_account_id: ID of account to transfer funds to - from list_accounts() :type to_account_id: str :param amount: Amount to transfer :type amount: int :param order_id: (optional) Request ID (default flat_uuid()) :type order_id: string .. code:: python transfer = client.create_inner_transfer('5bd6e9216d99522a52e458d6', 5bc7f080b39c5c03286eef8e', 20) :returns: API Response .. code-block:: python { "orderId": "5bd6e9286d99522a52e458de" } :raises: KucoinResponseException, KucoinAPIException """ data = { 'payAccountId': from_account_id, 'recAccountId': to_account_id, 'amount': amount } if order_id: data['clientOid'] = order_id else: data['clientOid'] = flat_uuid() return self._post('accounts/inner-transfer', True, data=data)
# Deposit Endpoints
[docs] def create_deposit_address(self, currency): """Create deposit address of currency for deposit. You can just create one deposit address. :param currency: Name of currency :type currency: string .. code:: python address = client.create_deposit_address('NEO') :returns: ApiResponse .. code:: python { "address": "0x78d3ad1c0aa1bf068e19c94a2d7b16c9c0fcd8b1", "memo": "5c247c8a03aa677cea2a251d" } :raises: KucoinResponseException, KucoinAPIException """ data = { 'currency': currency } return self._post('deposit-addresses', True, data=data)
[docs] def get_deposit_address(self, currency): """Get deposit address for a currency :param currency: Name of currency :type currency: string .. code:: python address = client.get_deposit_address('NEO') :returns: ApiResponse .. code:: python { "address": "0x78d3ad1c0aa1bf068e19c94a2d7b16c9c0fcd8b1", "memo": "5c247c8a03aa677cea2a251d" } :raises: KucoinResponseException, KucoinAPIException """ data = { 'currency': currency } return self._get('deposit-addresses', True, data=data)
[docs] def get_deposits(self, currency=None, status=None, start=None, end=None, page=None, limit=None): """Get deposit records for a currency :param currency: Name of currency (optional) :type currency: string :param status: optional - Status of deposit (PROCESSING, SUCCESS, FAILURE) :type status: string :param start: (optional) Start time as unix timestamp :type start: string :param end: (optional) End time as unix timestamp :type end: string :param page: (optional) Page to fetch :type page: int :param limit: (optional) Number of transactions :type limit: int .. code:: python deposits = client.get_deposits('NEO') :returns: ApiResponse .. code:: python { "currentPage": 1, "pageSize": 5, "totalNum": 2, "totalPage": 1, "items": [ { "address": "0x5f047b29041bcfdbf0e4478cdfa753a336ba6989", "memo": "5c247c8a03aa677cea2a251d", "amount": 1, "fee": 0.0001, "currency": "KCS", "isInner": false, "walletTxId": "5bbb57386d99522d9f954c5a@test004", "status": "SUCCESS", "createdAt": 1544178843000, "updatedAt": 1544178891000 }, { "address": "0x5f047b29041bcfdbf0e4478cdfa753a336ba6989", "memo": "5c247c8a03aa677cea2a251d", "amount": 1, "fee": 0.0001, "currency": "KCS", "isInner": false, "walletTxId": "5bbb57386d99522d9f954c5a@test003", "status": "SUCCESS", "createdAt": 1544177654000, "updatedAt": 1544178733000 } ] } :raises: KucoinResponseException, KucoinAPIException """ data = {} if currency: data['currency'] = currency if status: data['status'] = status if start: data['startAt'] = start if end: data['endAt'] = end if limit: data['pageSize'] = limit if page: data['page'] = page return self._get('deposits', True, data=data)
# Withdraw Endpoints
[docs] def get_withdrawals(self, currency=None, status=None, start=None, end=None, page=None, limit=None): """Get deposit records for a currency :param currency: Name of currency (optional) :type currency: string :param status: optional - Status of deposit (PROCESSING, SUCCESS, FAILURE) :type status: string :param start: (optional) Start time as unix timestamp :type start: string :param end: (optional) End time as unix timestamp :type end: string :param page: (optional) Page to fetch :type page: int :param limit: (optional) Number of transactions :type limit: int .. code:: python withdrawals = client.get_withdrawals('NEO') :returns: ApiResponse .. code:: python { "currentPage": 1, "pageSize": 10, "totalNum": 1, "totalPage": 1, "items": [ { "id": "5c2dc64e03aa675aa263f1ac", "address": "0x5bedb060b8eb8d823e2414d82acce78d38be7fe9", "memo": "", "currency": "ETH", "amount": 1.0000000, "fee": 0.0100000, "walletTxId": "3e2414d82acce78d38be7fe9", "isInner": false, "status": "FAILURE", "createdAt": 1546503758000, "updatedAt": 1546504603000 } ] } :raises: KucoinResponseException, KucoinAPIException """ data = {} if currency: data['currency'] = currency if status: data['status'] = status if start: data['startAt'] = start if end: data['endAt'] = end if limit: data['pageSize'] = limit if page: data['page'] = page return self._get('withdrawals', True, data=data)
[docs] def get_withdrawal_quotas(self, currency): """Get withdrawal quotas for a currency :param currency: Name of currency :type currency: string .. code:: python quotas = client.get_withdrawal_quotas('ETH') :returns: ApiResponse .. code:: python { "currency": "ETH", "availableAmount": 2.9719999, "remainAmount": 2.9719999, "withdrawMinSize": 0.1000000, "limitBTCAmount": 2.0, "innerWithdrawMinFee": 0.00001, "isWithdrawEnabled": true, "withdrawMinFee": 0.0100000, "precision": 7 } :raises: KucoinResponseException, KucoinAPIException """ data = { 'currency': currency } return self._get('withdrawals/quotas', True, data=data)
[docs] def create_withdrawal(self, currency, amount, address, memo=None, is_inner=False, remark=None): """Process a withdrawal :param currency: Name of currency :type currency: string :param amount: Amount to withdraw :type amount: number :param address: Address to withdraw to :type address: string :param memo: (optional) Remark to the withdrawal address :type memo: string :param is_inner: (optional) Remark to the withdrawal address :type is_inner: bool :param remark: (optional) Remark :type remark: string .. code:: python withdrawal = client.create_withdrawal('NEO', 20, '598aeb627da3355fa3e851') :returns: ApiResponse .. code:: python { "withdrawalId": "5bffb63303aa675e8bbe18f9" } :raises: KucoinResponseException, KucoinAPIException """ data = { 'currency': currency, 'amount': amount, 'address': address } if memo: data['memo'] = memo if is_inner: data['isInner'] = is_inner if remark: data['remark'] = remark return self._post('withdrawals', True, data=data)
[docs] def cancel_withdrawal(self, withdrawal_id): """Cancel a withdrawal :param withdrawal_id: ID of withdrawal :type withdrawal_id: string .. code:: python client.cancel_withdrawal('5bffb63303aa675e8bbe18f9') :returns: None :raises: KucoinResponseException, KucoinAPIException """ return self._delete('withdrawals/{}'.format(withdrawal_id), True)
# Order Endpoints
[docs] def create_market_order(self, symbol, side, size=None, funds=None, client_oid=None, remark=None, stp=None): """Create a market order One of size or funds must be set :param symbol: Name of symbol e.g. KCS-BTC :type symbol: string :param side: buy or sell :type side: string :param size: (optional) Desired amount in base currency :type size: string :param funds: (optional) Desired amount of quote currency to use :type funds: string :param client_oid: (optional) Unique order id (default flat_uuid()) :type client_oid: string :param remark: (optional) remark for the order, max 100 utf8 characters :type remark: string :param stp: (optional) self trade protection CN, CO, CB or DC (default is None) :type stp: string .. code:: python order = client.create_market_order('NEO', Client.SIDE_BUY, size=20) :returns: ApiResponse .. code:: python { "orderOid": "596186ad07015679730ffa02" } :raises: KucoinResponseException, KucoinAPIException, MarketOrderException """ if not size and not funds: raise MarketOrderException('Need size or fund parameter') if size and funds: raise MarketOrderException('Need size or fund parameter not both') data = { 'side': side, 'symbol': symbol, 'type': self.ORDER_MARKET } if size: data['size'] = size if funds: data['funds'] = funds if client_oid: data['clientOid'] = client_oid else: data['clientOid'] = flat_uuid() if remark: data['remark'] = remark if stp: data['stp'] = stp return self._post('orders', True, data=data)
[docs] def create_limit_order(self, symbol, side, price, size, client_oid=None, remark=None, time_in_force=None, stop=None, stop_price=None, stp=None, cancel_after=None, post_only=None, hidden=None, iceberg=None, visible_size=None): """Create an order :param symbol: Name of symbol e.g. KCS-BTC :type symbol: string :param side: buy or sell :type side: string :param price: Name of coin :type price: string :param size: Amount of base currency to buy or sell :type size: string :param client_oid: (optional) Unique order_id default flat_uuid() :type client_oid: string :param remark: (optional) remark for the order, max 100 utf8 characters :type remark: string :param stp: (optional) self trade protection CN, CO, CB or DC (default is None) :type stp: string :param time_in_force: (optional) GTC, GTT, IOC, or FOK (default is GTC) :type time_in_force: string :param stop: (optional) stop type loss or entry - requires stop_price :type stop: string :param stop_price: (optional) trigger price for stop order :type stop_price: string :param cancel_after: (optional) number of seconds to cancel the order if not filled required time_in_force to be GTT :type cancel_after: string :param post_only: (optional) indicates that the order should only make liquidity. If any part of the order results in taking liquidity, the order will be rejected and no part of it will execute. :type post_only: bool :param hidden: (optional) Orders not displayed in order book :type hidden: bool :param iceberg: (optional) Only visible portion of the order is displayed in the order book :type iceberg: bool :param visible_size: (optional) The maximum visible size of an iceberg order :type visible_size: bool .. code:: python order = client.create_limit_order('KCS-BTC', Client.SIDE_BUY, '0.01', '1000') :returns: ApiResponse .. code:: python { "orderOid": "596186ad07015679730ffa02" } :raises: KucoinResponseException, KucoinAPIException, LimitOrderException """ if stop and not stop_price: raise LimitOrderException('Stop order needs stop_price') if stop_price and not stop: raise LimitOrderException('Stop order type required with stop_price') if cancel_after and time_in_force != self.TIMEINFORCE_GOOD_TILL_TIME: raise LimitOrderException('Cancel after only works with time_in_force = "GTT"') if hidden and iceberg: raise LimitOrderException('Order can be either "hidden" or "iceberg"') if iceberg and not visible_size: raise LimitOrderException('Iceberg order requires visible_size') data = { 'symbol': symbol, 'side': side, 'type': self.ORDER_LIMIT, 'price': price, 'size': size } if client_oid: data['clientOid'] = client_oid else: data['clientOid'] = flat_uuid() if remark: data['remark'] = remark if stp: data['stp'] = stp if time_in_force: data['timeInForce'] = time_in_force if cancel_after: data['cancelAfter'] = cancel_after if post_only: data['postOnly'] = post_only if stop: data['stop'] = stop data['stopPrice'] = stop_price if hidden: data['hidden'] = hidden if iceberg: data['iceberg'] = iceberg data['visible_size'] = visible_size return self._post('orders', True, data=data)
[docs] def cancel_order(self, order_id): """Cancel an order :param order_id: Order id :type order_id: string .. code:: python res = client.cancel_order('5bd6e9286d99522a52e458de) :returns: ApiResponse .. code:: python { "cancelledOrderIds": [ "5bd6e9286d99522a52e458de" ] } :raises: KucoinResponseException, KucoinAPIException KucoinAPIException If order_id is not found """ return self._delete('orders/{}'.format(order_id), True)
[docs] def cancel_all_orders(self, symbol=None): """Cancel all orders .. code:: python res = client.cancel_all_orders() :returns: ApiResponse .. code:: python { "cancelledOrderIds": [ "5bd6e9286d99522a52e458de" ] } :raises: KucoinResponseException, KucoinAPIException """ data = {} if symbol is not None: data['symbol'] = symbol return self._delete('orders', True, data=data)
[docs] def get_orders(self, symbol=None, status=None, side=None, order_type=None, start=None, end=None, page=None, limit=None): """Get list of orders :param symbol: (optional) Name of symbol e.g. KCS-BTC :type symbol: string :param status: (optional) Specify status active or done (default done) :type status: string :param side: (optional) buy or sell :type side: string :param order_type: (optional) limit, market, limit_stop or market_stop :type order_type: string :param start: (optional) Start time as unix timestamp :type start: string :param end: (optional) End time as unix timestamp :type end: string :param page: (optional) Page to fetch :type page: int :param limit: (optional) Number of orders :type limit: int .. code:: python orders = client.get_orders(symbol='KCS-BTC', status='active') :returns: ApiResponse .. code:: python { "currentPage": 1, "pageSize": 1, "totalNum": 153408, "totalPage": 153408, "items": [ { "id": "5c35c02703aa673ceec2a168", "symbol": "BTC-USDT", "opType": "DEAL", "type": "limit", "side": "buy", "price": "10", "size": "2", "funds": "0", "dealFunds": "0.166", "dealSize": "2", "fee": "0", "feeCurrency": "USDT", "stp": "", "stop": "", "stopTriggered": false, "stopPrice": "0", "timeInForce": "GTC", "postOnly": false, "hidden": false, "iceberge": false, "visibleSize": "0", "cancelAfter": 0, "channel": "IOS", "clientOid": null, "remark": null, "tags": null, "isActive": false, "cancelExist": false, "createdAt": 1547026471000 } ] } :raises: KucoinResponseException, KucoinAPIException """ data = {} if symbol: data['symbol'] = symbol if status: data['status'] = status if side: data['side'] = side if order_type: data['type'] = order_type if start: data['startAt'] = start if end: data['endAt'] = end if page: data['page'] = page if limit: data['pageSize'] = limit return self._get('orders', True, data=data)
[docs] def get_historical_orders(self, symbol=None, side=None, start=None, end=None, page=None, limit=None): """List of KuCoin V1 historical orders. :param symbol: (optional) Name of symbol e.g. KCS-BTC :type symbol: string :param side: (optional) buy or sell :type side: string :param start: (optional) Start time as unix timestamp :type start: string :param end: (optional) End time as unix timestamp :type end: string :param page: (optional) Page to fetch :type page: int :param limit: (optional) Number of orders :type limit: int .. code:: python orders = client.get_historical_orders(symbol='KCS-BTC') :returns: ApiResponse .. code:: python { "currentPage": 1, "pageSize": 50, "totalNum": 1, "totalPage": 1, "items": [ { "symbol": "SNOV-ETH", "dealPrice": "0.0000246", "dealValue": "0.018942", "amount": "770", "fee": "0.00001137", "side": "sell", "createdAt": 1540080199 } ] } :raises: KucoinResponseException, KucoinAPIException """ data = {} if symbol: data['symbol'] = symbol if side: data['side'] = side if start: data['startAt'] = start if end: data['endAt'] = end if page: data['page'] = page if limit: data['pageSize'] = limit return self._get('hist-orders', True, data=data)
[docs] def get_order(self, order_id): """Get order details :param order_id: orderOid value :type order_id: str .. code:: python order = client.get_order('5c35c02703aa673ceec2a168') :returns: ApiResponse .. code:: python { "id": "5c35c02703aa673ceec2a168", "symbol": "BTC-USDT", "opType": "DEAL", "type": "limit", "side": "buy", "price": "10", "size": "2", "funds": "0", "dealFunds": "0.166", "dealSize": "2", "fee": "0", "feeCurrency": "USDT", "stp": "", "stop": "", "stopTriggered": false, "stopPrice": "0", "timeInForce": "GTC", "postOnly": false, "hidden": false, "iceberge": false, "visibleSize": "0", "cancelAfter": 0, "channel": "IOS", "clientOid": null, "remark": null, "tags": null, "isActive": false, "cancelExist": false, "createdAt": 1547026471000 } :raises: KucoinResponseException, KucoinAPIException """ return self._get('orders/{}'.format(order_id), True)
# Fill Endpoints
[docs] def get_fills(self, order_id=None, symbol=None, side=None, order_type=None, start=None, end=None, page=None, limit=None): """Get a list of recent fills. :param order_id: (optional) generated order id :type order_id: string :param symbol: (optional) Name of symbol e.g. KCS-BTC :type symbol: string :param side: (optional) buy or sell :type side: string :param order_type: (optional) limit, market, limit_stop or market_stop :type order_type: string :param start: Start time as unix timestamp (optional) :type start: string :param end: End time as unix timestamp (optional) :type end: string :param page: optional - Page to fetch :type page: int :param limit: optional - Number of orders :type limit: int .. code:: python fills = client.get_fills() :returns: ApiResponse .. code:: python { "currentPage":1, "pageSize":1, "totalNum":251915, "totalPage":251915, "items":[ { "symbol":"BTC-USDT", "tradeId":"5c35c02709e4f67d5266954e", "orderId":"5c35c02703aa673ceec2a168", "counterOrderId":"5c1ab46003aa676e487fa8e3", "side":"buy", "liquidity":"taker", "forceTaker":true, "price":"0.083", "size":"0.8424304", "funds":"0.0699217232", "fee":"0", "feeRate":"0", "feeCurrency":"USDT", "stop":"", "type":"limit", "createdAt":1547026472000 } ] } :raises: KucoinResponseException, KucoinAPIException """ data = {} if order_id: data['orderId'] = order_id if symbol: data['symbol'] = symbol if side: data['side'] = side if order_type: data['type'] = order_type if start: data['startAt'] = start if end: data['endAt'] = end if page: data['page'] = page if limit: data['pageSize'] = limit return self._get('fills', True, data=data)
# Market Endpoints
[docs] def get_symbols(self): """Get a list of available currency pairs for trading. .. code:: python symbols = client.get_symbols() :returns: ApiResponse .. code:: python [ { "symbol": "BTC-USDT", "name": "BTC-USDT", "baseCurrency": "BTC", "quoteCurrency": "USDT", "baseMinSize": "0.00000001", "quoteMinSize": "0.01", "baseMaxSize": "10000", "quoteMaxSize": "100000", "baseIncrement": "0.00000001", "quoteIncrement": "0.01", "priceIncrement": "0.00000001", "enableTrading": true } ] :raises: KucoinResponseException, KucoinAPIException """ return self._get('symbols', False)
[docs] def get_ticker(self, symbol=None): """Get symbol tick :param symbol: (optional) Name of symbol e.g. KCS-BTC :type symbol: string .. code:: python all_ticks = client.get_ticker() ticker = client.get_ticker('ETH-BTC') :returns: ApiResponse .. code:: python { "sequence": "1545825031840", # now sequence "price": "3494.367783", # last trade price "size": "0.05027185", # last trade size "bestBid": "3494.367783", # best bid price "bestBidSize": "2.60323254", # size at best bid price "bestAsk": "3499.12", # best ask price "bestAskSize": "0.01474011" # size at best ask price } :raises: KucoinResponseException, KucoinAPIException """ data = {} tick_path = 'market/allTickers' if symbol is not None: tick_path = 'market/orderbook/level1' data = { 'symbol': symbol } return self._get(tick_path, False, data=data)
[docs] def get_fiat_prices(self, base=None, symbol=None): """Get fiat price for currency :param base: (optional) Fiat,eg.USD,EUR, default is USD. :type base: string :param symbol: (optional) Cryptocurrencies.For multiple cyrptocurrencies, please separate them with comma one by one. default is all :type symbol: string .. code:: python prices = client.get_fiat_prices() :returns: ApiResponse .. code:: python { "BTC": "3911.28000000", "ETH": "144.55492453", "LTC": "48.45888179", "KCS": "0.45546856" } :raises: KucoinResponseException, KucoinAPIException """ data = {} if base is not None: data['base'] = base if symbol is not None: data['currencies'] = symbol return self._get('prices', False, data=data)
[docs] def get_24hr_stats(self, symbol): """Get 24hr stats for a symbol. Volume is in base currency units. open, high, low are in quote currency units. :param symbol: (optional) Name of symbol e.g. KCS-BTC :type symbol: string .. code:: python stats = client.get_24hr_stats('ETH-BTC') :returns: ApiResponse Without a symbol param .. code:: python { "symbol": "BTC-USDT", "changeRate": "0.0128", # 24h change rate "changePrice": "0.8", # 24h rises and falls in price (if the change rate is a negative number, # the price rises; if the change rate is a positive number, the price falls.) "open": 61, # Opening price "close": 63.6, # Closing price "high": "63.6", # Highest price filled "low": "61", # Lowest price filled "vol": "244.78", # Transaction quantity "volValue": "15252.0127" # Transaction amount } :raises: KucoinResponseException, KucoinAPIException """ data = { 'symbol': symbol } return self._get('market/stats', False, data=data)
[docs] def get_markets(self): """Get supported market list .. code:: python markets = client.get_markets() :returns: ApiResponse .. code:: python { "data": [ "BTC", "ETH", "USDT" ] } :raises: KucoinResponseException, KucoinAPIException """ return self._get('markets', False)
[docs] def get_order_book(self, symbol): """Get a list of bids and asks aggregated by price for a symbol. Returns up to 100 depth each side. Fastest Order book API :param symbol: Name of symbol e.g. KCS-BTC :type symbol: string .. code:: python orders = client.get_order_book('KCS-BTC') :returns: ApiResponse .. code:: python { "sequence": "3262786978", "bids": [ ["6500.12", "0.45054140"], # [price, size] ["6500.11", "0.45054140"] ], "asks": [ ["6500.16", "0.57753524"], ["6500.15", "0.57753524"] ] } :raises: KucoinResponseException, KucoinAPIException """ data = { 'symbol': symbol } return self._get('market/orderbook/level2_100', False, data=data)
[docs] def get_full_order_book(self, symbol): """Get a list of all bids and asks aggregated by price for a symbol. This call is generally used by professional traders because it uses more server resources and traffic, and Kucoin has strict access frequency control. :param symbol: Name of symbol e.g. KCS-BTC :type symbol: string .. code:: python orders = client.get_order_book('KCS-BTC') :returns: ApiResponse .. code:: python { "sequence": "3262786978", "bids": [ ["6500.12", "0.45054140"], # [price size] ["6500.11", "0.45054140"] ], "asks": [ ["6500.16", "0.57753524"], ["6500.15", "0.57753524"] ] } :raises: KucoinResponseException, KucoinAPIException """ data = { 'symbol': symbol } return self._get('market/orderbook/level2', False, data=data)
[docs] def get_full_order_book_level3(self, symbol): """Get a list of all bids and asks non-aggregated for a symbol. This call is generally used by professional traders because it uses more server resources and traffic, and Kucoin has strict access frequency control. :param symbol: Name of symbol e.g. KCS-BTC :type symbol: string .. code:: python orders = client.get_order_book('KCS-BTC') :returns: ApiResponse .. code:: python { "sequence": "1545896707028", "bids": [ [ "5c2477e503aa671a745c4057", # orderId "6", # price "0.999" # size ], [ "5c2477e103aa671a745c4054", "5", "0.999" ] ], "asks": [ [ "5c24736703aa671a745c401e", "200", "1" ], [ "5c2475c903aa671a745c4033", "201", "1" ] ] } :raises: KucoinResponseException, KucoinAPIException """ data = { 'symbol': symbol } return self._get('market/orderbook/level3', False, data=data)
[docs] def get_trade_histories(self, symbol): """List the latest trades for a symbol :param symbol: Name of symbol e.g. KCS-BTC :type symbol: string .. code:: python orders = client.get_trade_histories('KCS-BTC') :returns: ApiResponse .. code:: python [ { "sequence": "1545896668571", "price": "0.07", # Filled price "size": "0.004", # Filled amount "side": "buy", # Filled side. The filled side is set to the taker by default. "time": 1545904567062140823 # Transaction time }, { "sequence": "1545896668578", "price": "0.054", "size": "0.066", "side": "buy", "time": 1545904581619888405 } ] :raises: KucoinResponseException, KucoinAPIException """ data = { 'symbol': symbol } return self._get('market/histories', False, data=data)
[docs] def get_kline_data(self, symbol, kline_type='5min', start=None, end=None): """Get kline data For each query, the system would return at most 1500 pieces of data. To obtain more data, please page the data by time. :param symbol: Name of symbol e.g. KCS-BTC :type symbol: string :param kline_type: type of symbol, type of candlestick patterns: 1min, 3min, 5min, 15min, 30min, 1hour, 2hour, 4hour, 6hour, 8hour, 12hour, 1day, 1week :type kline_type: string :param start: Start time as unix timestamp (optional) default start of day in UTC :type start: int :param end: End time as unix timestamp (optional) default now in UTC :type end: int .. code:: python klines = client.get_kline_data('KCS-BTC', '5min', 1507479171, 1510278278) :returns: ApiResponse .. code:: python [ [ "1545904980", //Start time of the candle cycle "0.058", //opening price "0.049", //closing price "0.058", //highest price "0.049", //lowest price "0.018", //Transaction amount "0.000945" //Transaction volume ], [ "1545904920", "0.058", "0.072", "0.072", "0.058", "0.103", "0.006986" ] ] :raises: KucoinResponseException, KucoinAPIException """ data = { 'symbol': symbol } if kline_type is not None: data['type'] = kline_type if start is not None: data['startAt'] = start else: data['startAt'] = calendar.timegm(datetime.utcnow().date().timetuple()) if end is not None: data['endAt'] = end else: data['endAt'] = int(time.time()) return self._get('market/candles', False, data=data)
# Websocket Endpoints
[docs] def get_ws_endpoint(self, private=False): """Get websocket channel details :param private: Name of symbol e.g. KCS-BTC :type private: bool .. code:: python ws_details = client.get_ws_endpoint(private=True) :returns: ApiResponse .. code:: python { "code": "200000", "data": { "instanceServers": [ { "pingInterval": 50000, "endpoint": "wss://", "protocol": "websocket", "encrypt": true, "pingTimeout": 10000 } ], "token": "vYNlCtbz4XNJ1QncwWilJnBtmmfe4geLQDUA62kKJsDChc6I4bRDQc73JfIrlFaVYIAE0Gv2--MROnLAgjVsWkcDq_MuG7qV7EktfCEIphiqnlfpQn4Ybg==.IoORVxR2LmKV7_maOR9xOg==" } } :raises: KucoinResponseException, KucoinAPIException """ path = 'bullet-public' signed = private if private: path = 'bullet-private' return self._post(path, signed)